Hello and welcome to my blog! I decided to create it after reading a couple of other blogs; tinworm's blog about his Austin 101 restoration, and, more relevantly, ourlondontaxi's blog about using an old FX4 black cab as a daily family car. I noticed two things about these blogs; firstly, they're both quite interesting reads, and secondly, they're both blogspots. I've had a blog on tumblr for about a year now, and haven't really been updating it that much. That's partly because the blog itself doesn't really have a direction or main subject, but mostly because tumblr is an utterly awful website. That's not because of the design of the site; in fact I think it's a very well thought out and coded website, but mainly due to the people that dominate it, namely, 16 year old girls who constantly post about how much they like that idiot boy at school/how much they love their idiot boyfriend/how much they hate life because their idiot boyfriend left them/how cool slitting your wrists is/how much they like rubbish teen bands, endlessly reposting pictures of tattoos/ridiculous piercings/animated gifs of guys kissing/utterly stupid and incomprehensible captioned pictures, and generally whining and begging for attention. Making a mockery of the English language also seems to be a priority for them.
But I digress. Suffice to say tumblr is crap, and I've had enough of it. So here I am on blogspot, which I'm hoping will be a much more mature place. I can also access it through my google account, which is splendid. I'm also giving this blog a proper subject matter. As you've no doubt seen by this point, this is living with a Morris Minor, the lovable and thoroughly brilliant little car that got post-war Britain on its feet, or, more accurately, its wheels. When I say "living with" I really mean it. The Minor is not a toy that I bought for sunny weekends and country lanes. It is my only car, and I use it for everything. I am 21 years old, and a student, and with this blog I hope to prove that even in today's world and at this precarious stage of my life, it is not just possible, but perfectly easy to live with a car that was designed in the 1940s and went out of production over 40 years ago, and that you don't have to be an old fart, or a trained mechanic, or have a Swiss bank account to do so. If this interests you, read on.
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